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Snapchat Streak Emoji: What It Is And How To Change It?

Snapchat Streak Emoji: What It Is And How To Change It?

Like other social media sites, Snapchat has its own set of default emojis. The interesting thing about Snapchat emojis is that they indicate specific interactions, relationships, and moods between you and other Snapchatters.

If you are bored of the same snap streak emoji, you can change it as per your liking. To know how it’s done, read the post below.

Table Of Contents

What Are Snapchat Streak Emojis?

If you continue sending and receiving snaps with your friend, over time, you will maintain a Snapstreak. Your snap streak will stay as long as you continue this daily exchange. 

To put it in simple words, Snapchat streak indicates that you and your friend have been consistently trading snaps every day, without a gap.

What Are Snapchat Friend Emojis?

Streak emojis serve as tracking tools and are located on the far right of each chat conversation. Additionally, these emojis vary for each friend, depending on the nature of your relationship with them. The emoji that appears for a friend is determined by two main factors:

  • The frequency of snap exchanges between you and your friend.
  • The duration of your friendship on the Snapchat platform.

How To Change Streak Emoji On Snapchat?

Changing streak emoji on Snapchat is an easy process. However, there can be slight differences depending on the device you are using. To avoid any confusion, we have explained the steps for iOS and Android devices separately.

Change Snap Streak Emoji – iOS

If you are using Snapchat on an iPhone or iPad, these are the steps you need to follow to change the streak emoji.

  • First, open the Snapchat app on your device.
  • As the app opens, tap on your Bitmoji in the top left corner of the screen.
  • Access the app Settings, select Manage, and then Friend Emojis.

Change Snap Streak Emoji – iOS

  • Scroll down until you see the option Snapstreak.
  • Select the emoji you want to use for Snap streaks from the given list.
  • Now tap the Back button at the upper left corner of the screen.
  • You have successfully changed your Snap streak emoji.

How To Change Streak Emoji On Snapchat

Change Snap Streak Emoji – Android

For Android users, they should follow these steps to change the Snap streak emoji.

  • Start by launching the Snapchat app.
  • Tap on the Bitmoji icon on the upper left edge of the screen.
  • Go to Settings, and select the option Customise Emojis.

Change Snap Streak Emoji – Android

  • In the Customise Emojis window, scroll down to the Snapstreak option and tap on it.
  • Now choose an emoji of your liking that you want to use as the latest Snap streak emoji.
  • Once that is done, your snap streak emoji will be changed.

Change Snap Streak Emoji

Thus, you can see how easy it is to change the snap streak emoji. Just follow the steps correctly and you will be good to go.

How To Change Friend’s Emoji On Snapchat?

The steps to change the friend emoji on Snapchat are almost the same as changing the snap streak emoji. Once again, there may be slight variations in the steps based on the device. To change your friend emoji on Snapchat, follow the guide below.

Change Friend Emoji – iOS

Both iPhone and iPad users will have to follow these steps to change their friend emoji.

  • Launch the Snapchat app on your device.
  • Tap on the Bitmoji icon at the upper left corner of the app screen.
  • Go to the Gear icon at the upper right corner of the screen and tap on it. This will give you access to Settings.
  • Scroll down until you see the option Manage.

Change Friend Emoji

  • Select the option Friend Emojis from the list.
  • Now pick the emoji that you would like to change.
  • You will see a list of emojis on the screen. Select the one you want to use, and tap the back arrow located in the upper left corner.
  • Once done, the change will show on the screen.

How To Change Friend's Emoji On Snapchat

Change Friend Emoji – Android

Here are the steps you need to follow when changing your friend emoji in Snapchat on your Android device.

  • Open Snapchat, and select the Bitmoji icon.
  • Go to Settings by tapping on the Gear icon.
  • Scroll down to the option Customise Emojis.

Change Friend Emoji – Android

  • A new window will open where you will see different categories of emojis. 
  • Choose the category that you want to change.
  • Now select the emoji that you wish to change, and tap the back arrow at the top of the screen.
  • That’s all you need to do to change the friend emoji.

change the friend emoji

Know The Meaning Of Snapchat Streak Emojis

Let’s get to know the meaning of different Snapchat streak emojis.

  • Fire Emoji

The fire emoji symbolizes a daily snap exchange between you and another Snapchatter, signifying an active Snapstreak. During the initial days of the streak, no emojis will be displayed. However, after three consecutive days of snapping, the fire emoji will emerge, accompanied by a number indicating the duration of the streak with that person.

Certain conditions must be met before the fire emoji becomes visible. Firstly, both you and your friend must exchange snaps at least once every 24 hours. Secondly, this communication should be maintained for a minimum of three days before the emoji appears, marking it as an official Snapstreak.

  • Hourglass Emoji

The hourglass emoji serves as a warning that the streak is nearing its end. It signals that there’s limited time left before the streak resets. To maintain it, you must send a snap as soon as possible and hope to receive one in return.

The hourglass emoji appears after 20 hours of no communication, giving you and your friend a remaining four-hour window to sustain the streak.

  • Hundred Emoji

As previously mentioned, the fire emoji will be accompanied by a numerical value, representing the duration of your active streak in days.

 Once you achieve 100 consecutive days, the basic number will be replaced by the hundred emoji, signifying this milestone. While your streak progresses beyond 100 days, the number next to the hundred emoji will keep increasing, though the emoji itself will remain fixed.

Final Words

So now you know what snap streak emojis are and how to change them. If you ever feel like changing the standard fire emoji to something else, just follow the steps given in this post and you will be good to go. This feature is available for both Android and iOS users.

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