How to Register as a CEO, VIP Or MC President in GTA 5 In 2023 [Guide]

How to Register as a CEO, VIP Or MC President in GTA 5 [Guide]

For all the die-hard GTA 5 fans present out here, in this article we will be covering everything about becoming a VIP including the exclusive process of how to register as a VIP in GTA 5 that you can follow up to become a VIP in GTA 5.  

VIPs and CEOs in GTA 5 live luxurious life with a lot of bodyguards surrounding them all the time. All these bodyguards are actually Online GTA 5 gamers who are hired for this purpose. 

how to ragister ceo in gta 5

Gamers can hire a maximum of 3 bodyguards as a VIP at one time and can fire them too if they don’t follow up the protocols of your organization.  

Registering as a VIP in GTA 5 doesn’t cost you anything but make sure you do have at least $50,000 GTA cash in your bank balance. 

This balance is only required when you want to start the heist as a VIP in GTA 5. If you have enough cash in your account, then just follow up on the below-mentioned steps.

  1. First of all, open the interaction menu from the screen. 
  2. Now scroll down to the SecuroServ option that is actually present at the bottom of the menu. 
  3. Register yourself as a VIP from the option available there and name your organization right there. 
  4. Once you navigate back to the Interaction menu, you will discover a “SecuroServ VIP” option. 
  5. Click on that option and start enjoying the luxurious life of a VIP member in GTA 5. 

So, this was the simple process for how registering yourself as a VIP in GTA 5. 

Now, there are certain things or you can say information related to becoming VIP that we want to tell you guys. Keep a look at all of them:

  1. The VIP statuses usually last only for 4 hours. After you spent 4 hours as a VIP in the game, you will have to wait for 12 hours straight until you can become a VIP again. 
  2. When you select to become VIP in GTA 5, the entry in the personal Interaction menu will automatically change to “SecuroServ VIP”. Under this menu, VIPs will get access to the Bodyguard option. 
  3. You can hire up to 3 bodyguards as a VIP to protect your organization and can fire them too. 
  4. However, in case the bodyguards betray your organization, you may end their employment via the “Terminate” option. 

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How to register as a CEO in GTA 5?

Just like we have described how to register as a VIP in GTA 5, we will now tell our readers all about becoming a CEO. 

Unlike becoming a VIP in GTA 5 that doesn’t cost anything, becoming a CEO in GTA 5 will require at least $1 Million GTA cash.          

Additionally, you should have an office to become a CEO. The minimum cost of an office starts from $1 Million and goes up to $4 Million. 

The Maze Bank West office is the cheapest of all that will cost you $ 1,000,000 GTA cash. If you wanna select any other big cruise office, select from these options:

  1. Arcadius Business Center: This office costs $2,250,000 GTA cash to the gamers. 
  2. Lombok West: The cost for this executive premium office is around $3,100,000 GTA cash.
  3.  Maze Bank River: This office is the most expensive of all options costing gamers around $4,000,000. 

Once you pick up your favorite office from the catalog, you may add up customizations to it. Gamers can add a Gun locker, furnishings, and living quarters in their offices by paying some extra money for it. 

CEOs in GTA 5 will also get their private vehicles once after naming their organization. Executive Assistants can also be hired to do all the small level tasks like picking up and dropping you back at the office. 

How do you become a VIP or CEO in GTA 5?

Anyone can become VIP or CEO in GTA 5 if they have a lot of money in a GTA cash account. Though becoming a VIP doesn’t cost you anything, starting a heist will surely do. Additionally, you can become a CEO in GTA 5 if you have a minimum of $1,000,000 GTA cash. 

Playing GTA 5 online as a VIP or CEO surely does let you enjoy the experience of a premium and luxurious lifestyle.

How do I register as a VIP CEO or MC President to access the arcade management app?

The only way to register as a VIP CEO or Motorcycle(MC) Club President is by owning a property like a nightclub, Office, etc. 

You should own at least one of these properties to register yourself with it because the arcade doesn’t allow you to simply register with it. 

How do you become a CEO on GTA?

Anyone can become a CEO on GTA 5 only if there is $1Million GTA cash is present in the account balance. 

Unlike the process that follows up on how to register as a VIP in GTA 5, becoming a CEO is quite different as you need more money in your account.  

Actually, there is a strict need to own at least one office out of the many different options that are available in the catalog. 

However, the cheapest of all will cost you a minimum $1,000,000 to own an office. Once you get to the office, you can enjoy the benefits of being a CEO in GTA 5 as mentioned in the above paragraphs. 


While most of the pro gamers are pretty much familiar with the GTA 5 from so many years, there are still many guys who don’t know how to register as a VIP in GTA 5.

If you guys are exploring all the luxurious lifestyle features of a VIP and CEO in GTA 5 seamlessly, then do let us know about your experiences in the comments section. 

Share this blog with your friends who love to play GTA 5 online so they will also get to know about how to register as a VIP in GTA 5!  

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